Saturday, April 20, 2013

Welcome to Norse Pop

Welcome to Norse Pop, a blog dedicated to the discovery and celebration of the connections between Norse Mythology and popular culture. Please feel free to join in and discuss the intricacies of the Norse pantheon and the influence it has placed upon multiple occurrences of our daily lives.


  1. Cool blog, dude. You really dove into it. Remnants of other cultures make up the amalgamation that all current cultures live in. why do you think that Norse culture in particular is one that becomes so easily idealized in pop culture?

  2. Thanks, man! Like I stated in your blog, I definitely think it has to do with the heroic stories about overcoming adversity. In many Norse stories, the protagonists face impossible odds, but with manliness, pride, and a little help from the faeries now and then (wait, how did they get in there?), justice will always prevail! It's a great basis for any manly story. :3
